10 Projects Outside the Studio:
4x6 Exchange 2
The Map Project
Photo Response Project (responding to #2 -- AZ ripples -- "The Great Tree of Arizona" a huge old cottonwood at the San Pedro Riparian)
Hosted Bottle Cap Art for the
Altered Books 2 Exhibit & Silent Auction
Inside/Outside Home and Garden Show (group show) at SAM*POE Gallery
Art Auction and Fundraiser for Bisbee Art Teachers (this piece sold)
and added my homage to Ben Dale's Bisbee sculptures with my part of the "Angel Alley" mural on Shearer Ave.
3 Classes Taught (not including my day job):
Private Charcoal Lessons
Experimental Pastel Class (in-studio)
Learning to See: Charcoal Drawing (at Cochise College)
1 Class Taken:
I took an etching class with Karen Kyler at Cochise College (Sierra Vista Campus) to allocate time and get my press moving again! It was fantastic.
Click HERE for more images of etchings from the class!
4 Group Shows at Heather Green Studios:
Birthday Bash for AZ (4 artists)
The Dog (& Cat) Days of Summer (4 artists)
14 Events:
In addition to all of the classes and group shows . . .
Bisbee After 5 every Second Saturday!
Fundraising for Lowell and Greenway Art Students
Wall Musings (6 artists)
Hosted Madame Magpie's Shiny Things for
Mother's Day, Pirate Weekend, and Handcrafted Holiday
and a Chocolate Tasting
9 E-Newsletters:
Ended 2012 with 295 people receiving e-mails
Join Here!
373 Tweets:
373 Tweets in 2012
117 Twitter Followers
You can follow too!
219 Pins:
20 Boards
219 Pins in 2012
127 new Followers
Follow me on Pinterest
9 YouTube Videos:
2 subscribers
1,445 video views in 2012
Most viewed Video: How to Print a Linoleum Block
8 Blog Posts:
I was slacking this year. :/
(but it's because I created and upkept the Bisbee After 5 website -- it has several pages check it out)
3,810 Pageviews in 2012
Most Popular post: Wall Musings
240 Facebook Likes:
91 added in 2012
63 Check-Ins
14 Events
*Facebook is the most effective way to keep up with everything I am doing!
I'm looking forward to some big (and little!) changes to my life and studio in 2013. Stay Tuned!