Happy 2011!
I love the start of a new year, as it is a season of hope and anticipation. We review the passing year in photos, funniest television commercials, and biggest headlines, while predictions are made about the economy, the political atmosphere, and who will battle it out at the Super Bowl. Furthermore, the new year is often viewed as a blessing, an opportunity to change, to make our collective world a better place by starting within. The making of resolutions is noble . . . perhaps because sticking with our goals is daunting, usually requiring some change in routine, attitude, or behavior. It's easier to wish for a better year than resolve through actions that it will be better, lest we be disappointed with ourselves.
"A new year's resolution is something that goes in one year, and out the other." -- Unknown
My resolutions are usually on-going battles with daily life. I will continually strive to be more organized (where do all of those papers come from anyway?), to find balance between work and play (work usually wins), and to finish things, whether it's to avoid spoilage in the fridge, or to stop the clutter of fifteen simultaneous "projects" from taking over the living room.
Although I have never actually followed through with any of my New Year's resolutions, I offer you this: remember that the opportunity to better ourselves is open all year long. As long as we try to be the best versions of ourselves, we will all be better for it, even if we fall short. World peace begins within.
There isn't much more exciting than to start the year full of the promise of actually doing those resolutions!